1UP Fall 2023 Training Menu


All sessions are carefully designed by head coach and founder Graham Fisher which consists of all important player habits needed to excel and improve in today's modern game within GAME REALISTIC training activities. Graham blends his 7 years of youth & professional experience in Germany, Ireland, Spain & England, with his 3 National Coaching licenses to bring the players and coaching staff a second to none training environment.

Session Topic Breakdown (Objectives & Coaching Points)

1) 1v1s & 1-2s (Give & Go’s) (September 5th-11th)

Objective: Players will gain the ability to beat defenders by both dribbles and a double pass with teammate

Coaching Points:

  1. Commit defender

  2. Analyze space between defender and ball

  3. Analyze space behind defender

  4. Decision: Dribble or pass (try to add disguise)

  5. Change of pace after ball beats defender ball

2) POSSESS! Short & Long Range Passing (September 12th-18th)

Objective: Players ill gain the ability to effectively and quickly control and pass the ball with all passing ranges and lengths.

Coaching Points:


  1. Hips towards target

  2. Inside of the foot contact on nose of the ball

  3. Follow through stright

  4. Try to limit bobble, bounce and spin

PING (Long, high, lofted pass)

  1. Sideways touch

  2. Hips facing target

  3. Toes out/laces pointed to sky

  4. Contact “Chin” part of ball (bottom of ball)

  5. Contact with top of toes, not ankle

APPEARANCE: Backspin, higher than defenders, no power, lofted!

3) 1 Touch Finishing - Ground & Air (September 19th-25th)

Objective: Players will gain the ability to both score from the air and score from distance with both feet with their first contact.

Coaching Points:

  1. Demand the ball when you are in a goal scoring position!

  2. Angle of ball approach (try to face both the ball and the goal)

  3. Nose & Knee over the ball

  4. Select body part to finish (inside has a high constancy when ball in on the ground)

  5. Controlled follow through

4) Games Week #1 (September 26th - October 2nd)

Objective: Players will have the freedom to enjoy competitive mini games, in an attempt to show, perform and execute the previous 3 weeks of learnings. Players will be given tips and encouragement on how to translate 1UP training topics into their club training sessions, and more importantly, their club matches! Enjoy the Process!!!

5) You and the Ball! (October 5th - October 11th)

Objective: Players will gain the ability and bravery to stay on the ball in order to manipulate, protect and change directions, evade pressure and become more dangerous, all at game speed!

Coaching Points:

  1. Fast, rapid touches

  2. Changing directions with one touch

  3. Ball 1st, hips 2nd

  4. Freedom with the ball (Creativity & flair)

  5. Effective ball protection (safe side)

  6. Find open space

6) Game Speed Training! (October 12th - October 18th)

Objective: Train at Game speed, and the game becomes comfortable, train at practice speed, and the game becomes uncomfortable! Players will gain the ability and perform many important actions at skills at game speed, to improve game performances.

Coaching Points:

  1. Hard work

  2. Training Mentality

  3. Willingness to be the best trainer!

7) Ariel Control & Volleys - (October 19th-25th)

Objective: Players will gain the ability to control, and score goals from different scenarios, locations and situations, with BOTH FEET, from the air.

Coaching Points (Volleys):

  1. Effective ball protection (safe side)

  2. Body Shape (Straight hips towards goal)

  3. Toes down and locked, laces contact

  4. Timing of Strike (height)

  5. Controlled follow through

  6. Bravery!

8) Games Week #2 (October 26th-31st)

Objective: Players will have the freedom to enjoy competitive mini games, in an attempt to show, perform and execute the previous 3 weeks of learnings. Players will be given tips and encouragement on how to translate 1UP training topics into their club training sessions, and more importantly, their club matches! Enjoy the Process!!!