1UP Indoor 2025 Training Menu & Technical Details
All sessions are carefully designed by head coach and founder Graham Fisher which consists of all important player habits needed to excel and improve in today's modern game within GAME REALISTIC training activities. Graham blends his 7 years of youth & professional experience in Germany, Ireland, Spain & England, with his 3 National Coaching licenses to bring the players and coaching staff a second to none training environment.
Sessions Structure
Each session consists of three fast paced, game realistic mini stations, for around 18 minutes each, usually consisting of:
Unopposed Activity (No defenders)
High repetition, lower amount of decision making
Opposed Activity
Higher amount of decision making, lower repetition
Mini Game
Fast paced, game realistic, designed to bridge gap between technical learning’s and player’s games.
*Most session will include a shot or finish on goal in at least one station! This way players will improve their goal scoring every week.
Session Topic Breakdown (Objectives & Coaching Points)
Attacking & Defensive Transitions (March 10th - March 16th)
Objective: Players will gain the tools necessary to begin and stop counter attacks, allowing them to control all moments of the game!
Coaching Points:
Attacking Transition:
Commit defender
Analyze space between defender and ball
Analyze space behind defender
Decision: Dribble or pass (try to add disguise)
Change of pace after ball beats defender ball
Defensive Transition:
Arrive at the ball quickly
Slow down as you get close
Get low and delay
Wait for a trigger to win the ball
bad touch
attacker’s head is down
attacker turns their back
Volleys & Aerial Control (March 17th - March 23rd)
Objective: Players will gain the ability to control the ball from the air using all parts of their body and get more shots on target while the ball is in the air.
Coaching Points:
Effective ball protection (safe side)
Body Shape (Straight hips towards goal)
Toes down and locked, laces contact
Timing of Strike (height)
Controlled follow through
Position Specific Month!
For the next 3 weeks, all topics will be focused on giving the players tools to understand and play each position on the pitch!!
Defender(Center Back/Full Back) (March 24th - March 30th)
Objective: Giving players the tools of a Center-Back and Full-Back.
Coaching Points:
Full back
Dictate the attackers movement
regain possession to play forward
effective angle of hips
effective first touch
Center Back
Step to close space
effective weight shift
calm in posession
ruthless to win the ball
Midfielder(6,8, & 10) (March 31st - April 6th)
Objective: Giving players the tools of a defensive midfielder, central midfielder, and attacking midfielder.
Coaching Points:
effective angle of hips
first touch
dictate speed of play(when to go, when to play slow)
texture of pass(weight, curve, safe foot)
willingness to get in the cut back zone(2nd phase finishes)
Attacker(Winger/Striker) (April 7th - April 13th)
Objective: Giving players the tools of a winger and striker.
effective ball protection
set + spin
change of speed