1UP Soccer Weather Policies & Procedures

  • Inclement Weather Examples

    Field Closure: City will close fields depending on field condition (1UP will provide updates).

    Air Quality: If AQI is showing a 7 or higher, training is not permitted

    Thunder/Lightening: If appears, a 20min sheltered delay with no strikes is required

    Hail: Seek shelter and wait until clear

    Extreme Heat:

    • 30-35 degrees - 1 cooling break

    • 35-40 degrees - 2-4 cooling breaks

    • 40+ degrees - no training permitted

  • Inclement Weather Plan (Prior to Training)

    Weekday Session:

    If inclement weather occurs during morning or mid-day, families are encouraged to monitor emails from 1UP throughout the day for notifications involving location changes and/or training updates.

    *If no communication is received, assume training will proceed as normal.

    Weekend Session:

    If inclement weather occurs the day before a weekend session, families are encouraged to monitor emails from 1UP throughout the day for notifications involving location changes and/or training updates.

    *If no communication is received, assume training will proceed as normal.

  • Inclement Weather Plan (During Training)

    • We ask parents to remain on site if there is a possibility of inclement weather during session

    • If any inclement weather appears while training is underway, players will seek shelter in their parent’s or approved carpooler’s vehicles OR, in the designated City Building below:

  • Outdoor 2024 Facility Backups

    The 1UP Team will do our best to ensure indoor backups are used for as many inclement weather days as possible. Our backups include:

    The usage of a backup weather facility will depend on availability and the hour in which the inclement weather arrives. There may be cases where we book an indoor backup, but the weather turns to be playable, but we will do our best to avoid this!